Synthetic Biology Lab Research groups

The current research lines of the Synthetic Biology laboratory have a strong translational component, focusing on the study and design of enzymes for their application in both biotechnology and human health.The group studies enzymes that interact with biopolymers such as cellulose, chitin, and with DNA and RNA, developing tools based on molecular evolution and rational design. The groups have created enzymes and biopolymers with unique properties for industrial biotech applications, including biomass conversion, novel materials, CRISPR gene editing, DNA synthesis and transformation. The laboratory's main research objective could be summed up in the design of customized non-natural biological systems with multiple applications for the benefit of society.The group also maintains an active line of research in mechanobiology, studying how naturally occurring mechanical forces in biological systems can affect chemical and enzymatic reactions, regulate protein-protein interaction, and influence viral and bacterial infections. The group's research touches multiple fields being multi and interdisciplinary.

Campo de investigación

Life & Medical Sciences

Prioridades RIS3
  • Biosciences & Health
Investigador principal
Raúl Pérez-Jiménez
Bizkaia Science and Technology Park, building 801A, Derio (Bizkaia).
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Principales líneas de investigación.
  • Study and design of enzymes for their application in both biotechnology and human health