Heterogeneous Biocatalysis Lab Research groups

The laboratory of heterogeneous biocatalysis is applying multi-enzyme systems to synthetic and analytical chemistry by harnessing the exquisite selectivity of enzymes (biological catalysts) for the development of more sustainable and effective chemical processes. We are mimicking the spatial organization found inside the living organisms, but using ex-vivo systems supported on solid materials. To address such goal, we are interfacing chemistry and biology utilizing multidisciplinary tool that involve molecular biology, enzymology and material chemistry. Currently, we are developing novel technologies a) to assemble multi-enzyme cascades on porous carriers by activating such surfaces with different chemical groups that selectively immobilize the different enzymes, b) to create synthetic scaffolds inspired in biological organizations to assemble biocatalytic cascades inside porous material with fine control of the nanometric localization of each biocatalystand c) to create novel semi-synthetic proteins with artificial functionalities, i.e photo-senstive enzymes conjugated in solid-phase to photochromic molecules.

Science field

Life & Medical Sciences

RIS3 Priorities
  • Biosciences & Health
Main researcher
Fernando López-Gallego
Main research lines
  • Developing new analytical tools to advance the characterization of heterogeneous biocatalysts, aiming at finding relationships between some physico-chemical properties of the immobilized enzymes and their operational performance.
  • Fabrication of artificial metabolic cells by assembling biocatalytic cascades into synthetic scaffolds with precise control of the sub-micrometric localization of each biocatalyst.
  • Combining enzymes and materials to develop artificial systems with new functionalities like advanced biosensors, bio-inorganic energy generators, units for cell-free protein synthesis.